About the Journal

childhood & philosophy is a rolling pass system journal, the result of a partnership between Nefi (Center For Philosophical And Childhood Studies) linked to the graduate program in education of the State University Of Rio De Janeiro (UERJ) and the international council for philosophical inquiry with children (ICPIC). Edited in Brazil since its inception in 2005, childhood & philosophy published 2 issues per year until 2015. From 2016 has published three issues in electronic format each year, since 2019 it adopts the rolling pass system: articles are published as soon as they are approved and edited in one single volume that remains open till the end of the year

e-issn 1984-5987 | p-issn 2525-5061  | creation year: 2005 | knowledge area: philosophy of education

Current Issue

Vol. 20 (2024)
					View Vol. 20 (2024)
Published: 2024-01-31

dossier: "confronting adultcentrism in educational philosophies and institutions"

  • can school become a non-adultist institution?

    manfred liebel, philip meade
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.81338
  • coloniality and early childhood education: a critical analysis of pedagogical practices in an institution in a peripheral Brazilian context

    otavio henrique ferreira da silva
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.82143


  • affect and philosophical inquiry with children

    arthur wolf
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.79302
  • “educating children for wisdom”: reflecting on the philosophy for children community of inquiry approach through plato’s allegory of the cave

    cathlyne abarejo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.79414
  • philosophy for children: ethical-political seed of a peace culture

    carlos fernando velasco moreno
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.78888
  • damn curricular invasions!

    steferson zanoni roseiro, nahun thiaghor lippaus pires gonçalves, tania mara zanotti guerra frizzera delboni
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.79312
  • infant inquiry: discordances between the explicative order and the affirmation of life

    leonardo javier visaguirre, maría milena quiroz
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.78801
  • childhoods, sexualities and the school in times of neoconservatism and post-fascism

    tassio acosta, silvio gallo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.79258
  • looking a trojan horse in the mouth: problematizing philosophy for/with children's hope for social reform through the history of race and education in the us

    jonathan wurtz
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.80069
  • interrogations to the schooling materialities and pedagogical-political goals born in the practice of philosophizing with children

    carmina shapiro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.80321


  • "the anthropology of childhood is here to stay": interview with david lancy

    david lancy, chantal medaets, gabriela tebet, flávia pires
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.82578

researches / experiences

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