Opinion & Book Reviews

A Tribute to Charlie Lennon
Remembering the great traditional musician and composer who passed away on 8 June.
How Ireland Thinks About Music
Does Ireland have its own way of thinking about music? How might this perspective have developed? And could it explain the current dynamism in Irish musical life? In this essay, the edited text of a talk given at Farmleigh House on 11 May, Journal of Music Editor Toner Quinn explores these questions and more.
A Life of Searching
The Belize-born British composer Errollyn Wallen has recently published 'Becoming a Composer', a book of memories and reflections. Anna Murray reviews.
SXSW Protest is About More than Palestine
The protest by ten Irish bands at SXSW in Austin, Texas, was about the crisis in Palestine, but it is also about more than that, writes Toner Quinn.
Catherine Martin's Prime Opportunity to Protect Irish Music
Appointing a board member to RTÉ who has musical expertise is crucial to try and safeguard the Irish music scene, writes Toner Quinn.
The Forgotten Influences on Pianists and Composers of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
A new book by Gabriela Mayer, 'The Art of the Unspoken', explores how rhetoric, linguistic parallels and the singing voice were understood by pianists and composers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and how performers can interpret these aspects today. James Camien McGuiggan reviews.
Tributes to the late Shane MacGowan emphasise his songwriting, but his vision for Irish music was much broader than that, writes Toner Quinn.
If RTÉ Won’t Speak Up About Its Importance to Irish Music, Who Will?
RTÉ has just published its document 'A New Direction for RTÉ', but where is the renewed vision for music, asks Toner Quinn.
Exploring the Rich Musical World of Céilí Band Competition
Fiddle player Philip Duffy has recently published a substantial volume on the history of senior céilí band winners at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann from the beginnings in 1951 right up to recent times. Méabh Ní Fhuartháin reviews.
Opening Up Music, History and Creativity
Composer Benjamin Dwyer's new book, 'Music Autopsies: Essays and Interviews (1999–2022)' is a collection of sixteen essays exploring many aspects of creativity, from the impact of Ireland's historical traumas to the work of Beckett, Volans, Crumb, Ligeti and Bernstein. Deirdre Gribbin reviews.